Monday, March 4, 2013

television the new teacher

In 21 century the television has been the new teacher of the society bringing information, opinions and making our lifes more interesant , interative and dynamic.
 TV have a lot of advantages, first is the high level of information that can be show like News , wich everyday the TV  show sometimes in the same time of something is happening.The second advantage of watch  is that TV is interative and  you can do something everytime and TV helps in this, finally TV is a way to you join with your Family , you can watch a movie, soup opera and series.
TV have some desadvantages, first  some teenagers don´t study to watch TV , second someti-mes  the TV show a diferent opinion  of yours and is a kind of boring and finally in my opinion the worse desadvantage of TV is that often they want to form your opinion making up your mind and that is not cool.
So TV  have your advantages and desadvantages its your choice if you use it for good ou bad, TV is like internet you have the tool just need to know how to use.