Sunday, August 11, 2013

Mr. James I've been thinking about the graduation of our employees and I saw that some of them have a little graduate career. I've been thinking about the option that you told me to search the pros and cons to capacitate our employees. So firstly I thought made an agreement with some university to form a group of employees to have class on Saturday, but the idea has two disadvantages. One that as much capacited our employees be much companies will look for them, and the second is that they will not like to spend they Saturday on classes. My second option is that we give English classes. The benefits of English classes is that we will globalize our company expanding it. But, is too expensive to engage English teachers or English school and our company does not have this money, this would be a drawback. And finally I thought on hired new employees, the pros of engage new employees,is more disposition to work and more experience. But nowadays the labor market is too much competitive and it will cost more than the other options this is a con. So the way that things is I going to look for more options to give you more choices, thank you for your attention. Mr. Castro